Providing quality free web hosting, paid cPanel premium hosting, reseller services, VPS servers, dedicated servers. Business class hosting, managed and supported by Byet in their data center. Seems to be a good choice. The nice thing is that you get a very good MySQL database space (up to the total limit plan of 250 MB). Often database with free hosting is limited to 10 MB, so you can't do a lot of things with that. The server is very responsive, FTP works very well (no slow access). Anyway, right now Byethost is a very good start when you look after a good freehosting. Visit: Interests: Personal, Business. Free Web Space: 5,500 MB. Forced Ads: No ads (bannerless). Your Ads: Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Basic. Scripting: PHP. Pre-Scripts: Script collection. Your URL: Top-level domain name, or Subdomain. Other Features: Vista Panel. Fantastico-like script installer. MySQL databases. Email - Custom MX records. Bandwidth limit 200,000 MB/month. Free webs...