JournalCrunch is the modern theme designed for portfolio or magazine website with perfect match in color and elegant design. Beside its beautiful design it even has very nice typography. JournalCruch has the featured post bar and the social widget which boost the looks of this theme. It has 3 columns for articles and thumbnail which make it look professional theme. JournalCruch is Druplized by which is based on the WordPress' JournalCruch theme, which was designed by Site5 for Smashing Magazine and its readers.
JournalCruch has been ported to Drupal and is supported by, as part of their ongoing effort to bring quality themes to Drupal community.
JournalCruch has been ported to Drupal and is supported by, as part of their ongoing effort to bring quality themes to Drupal community.
JournalCrunch Features
- Front page with:
- One column layout
- Special rendering for sticky posts
- 2-column layout
- CSS rules for:
- Images into content (stories, pages etc)
- Tag, Categories, Comments
- Footer with 4 block regions
- Superb choice for real cool blogs
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