Warp Free Responsive WordPress Theme Framework
Warp Framework is fast and slick WordPress theme framework by YOOtheme which provides a rich tool set to develop cross-platform themes. Warp Framework helps you create your theme easily, based on a well-engineered framework. Warp Framework supports WordPress and can be extended to work on other systems. Themes are easily portable between the supported systems including all features. Warp Framework is located in its own folder, the same for all systems and it has no dependencies. Only choose the framework tools you need and add new features easily. Warp framework is well designed and coded to provide optimal loading times. Warp is completely built on the latest web techniques like HTML5, CSS3 and PHP 5.2+ and supports all modern browser.Features of Warp Framework:
- Admin User Interface: A clearly arranged user interface focused on simplicity which integrates perfectly with WordPress
- Responsive Design: A fully responsive layout that adapts perfectly for all device resolutions like mobiles, tablets and desktops
- System Markup: Make proper use of all new HTML5 elements
- Lightweight CSS Framework: Provides a rich tool set of useful CSS classes
- JavaScript Effects: Enhanced user experience with unobtrusive scripts at a compact size
- Sidebar and Module Layouts: The Warp framework comes with a broad range of layout options
- Create custom theme styles: Styles are child themes which inherit or override resources from the default theme
- Warp Speed, Engage!: Combine, minify, cache and compress CSS and JavaScripts on the fly. Reduce HTTP requests with Data URIs.
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